• Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 2: What is tourism?

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 2: What is tourism?

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 2: What is tourism? By the end of this lecture you should be able to: identify and analyse the force field of tourism knowledge; understand the development of myths about tourism and assess their validity; identify the components of tourism; distinguish between and critique heuristic and technical definitions of tourism;...

     19 p hiu 22/08/2022 88 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 3: The structure of tourism

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 3: The structure of tourism

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 3: The structure of tourism. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe the key elements of systems models; compare and contrast different open and closed ended models of tourism; demonstrate how each of us operates within our own unique tourism system; analyse the concept of a destination as a key component of any model;...

     14 p hiu 22/08/2022 95 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 4: Attractions

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 4: Attractions

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 4: Attractions. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: conceptualise an attraction; critique the tourism attraction system and identify and apply markers; understand the hierarchy of attractions and recognise that the same attraction can play different roles for different market segments; analyse a taxonomy of attractions;...

     19 p hiu 22/08/2022 80 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 5: Access and the spatial interactions of tourists

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 5: Access and the spatial interactions of tourists

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 5: Access and the spatial interactions of tourists. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: distinguish between the resource and commodity values of time and analyse how they affect travel patterns; describe distance decay and analyse how it influences both absolute demand and behaviour of tourists; define the effective tourism exclusion zone and analyse its impact on tourism...

     21 p hiu 22/08/2022 61 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 14: Sustainability

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 14: Sustainability

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 14: Sustainability. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: define the key concepts involved in sustainable development; critique the inherent contradiction in the term; analyse the core concepts of sustainable tourism; compare and contrast differing approaches used to achieve sustainable development and/or sustainable tourism;...

     17 p hiu 22/08/2022 60 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 7: The political economy of tourism

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 7: The political economy of tourism

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 7: The political economy of tourism. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe the difference between political economy and economics; identify and describe the differences among Keynesian economics, neoliberalism and Marxist perspectives;...

     16 p hiu 22/08/2022 52 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 8: Lifecycle models

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 8: Lifecycle models

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 8: Lifecycle models. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe the biological basis of destination lifecycle models; evaluate the validity of Butler’s and Plog’s lifecycle models; analyse the strengths and limitations of each model; compare and contrast the two models and describe how they integrate closely; explain the role of carrying capacity;...

     19 p hiu 22/08/2022 63 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 9: Tourism as a complex system

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 9: Tourism as a complex system

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 9: Tourism as a complex system. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe why existing lifecycle models are deficient; appreciate that tourism, by its very nature, is inherently volatile; explain how and why tourism functions in a nonlinear manner; explain the key features of a complex system;...

     15 p hiu 22/08/2022 54 1

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 10: Why do people travel?

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 10: Why do people travel?

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 10: Why do people travel? By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe the strengths and weaknesses of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; analyse Dann’s push-pull model; apply Crompton’s motives; critique Iso-Ahola’s optimal arousal model; understand Gutman’s means-end model; apply Pearce’s evolving travel career ladder/pattern;...

     22 p hiu 22/08/2022 52 0

  • Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 16: Tourism planning

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 16: Tourism planning

    Lecture Tourism theory, concepts and models - Chapter 16: Tourism planning. By the end of this lecture you should be able to: describe the difference between planning and policy; identify and describe the scales of planning; explain the need to consider new approaches to planning in the future;...

     10 p hiu 22/08/2022 52 0

  • Ebook Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam: Phần 1

    Ebook Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam: Phần 1

    Cuốn sách "Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam" phần 1 là tài liệu tham khảo được sưu tầm, biên soạn dựa trên những phong tục tập quán cổ truyền về lễ tết, cưới xin,... đã tồn tại gắn liền với đời sống tinh thần của người Việt Nam qua hàng nghìn năm lịch sử. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

     49 p hiu 22/07/2022 139 15

  • Ebook Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam: Phần 2

    Ebook Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam: Phần 2

    Nối tiếp phần 1, phần 2 của tài liệu "Hỏi đáp về phong tục, tập quán Việt Nam" tiếp tục trình bày một số phong tục, tập quán trong tang lễ và những điều kiêng kỵ trong tang ma. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

     59 p hiu 22/07/2022 106 15

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